Navigating Agile: A Dive into Our Process - Part One

Created from interview excerpts with: Teri Larson - Scrum Master/Product Owner, A-CSM, A-CSPO, Tara Solensky, CSPO, CSP-SM, ACS-CF - Senior Scrum Master/Product Owner, and Travis Zander - Scrum Master & Quality Assurance, A-CSM.

In the realm of software development, agility isn't just a buzzword; it's a way of life. Our MyAdvisor and Three Wire Digital (Mission) Services team has embraced the Agile methodology wholeheartedly, weaving it into the fabric of our operations.

Here's an insider's look into how we navigate the Agile process and why it's proven to be a game-changer for both our team and our clients.

Sprinting Towards Success

For many of our teams, the use of sprints is central to our Agile, and more specifically, Scrum, process. These two-week bursts of focused activity allow us to plan, execute, and iterate on our projects efficiently. During sprint planning and backlog refinement sessions, we meticulously break down tasks into manageable tickets or stories. Each sprint kicks off with a clear goal in mind, and our progress is tracked through commitment and velocity metrics.

The Backlog: A Roadmap to Progress

Behind every successful sprint lies a well-curated backlog. Managed by our Product Owner or Project Manager, this list of tasks serves as our compass, guiding us towards our objectives. Through regular backlog refinement meetings, we ensure that priorities align with both customer needs and team requirements, which can be flexible and change over time. Whether it's tackling high-priority features or addressing essential chores, the backlog keeps us on track and adaptable to change.

Testing the Waters of Agility

Testing within our Agile process isn't just about hitting targets; it's about continuous improvement. By evaluating our commitments against what we deliver over successive sprints, we gauge our effectiveness. Success isn't just measured in terms of meeting deadlines but also in the satisfaction of both our customers and our team members.

Empowering Teams, Delighting Clients

Agile isn't just a methodology; it's a mindset. By empowering our teams to self-govern within the Agile framework, we foster a culture of accountability and ownership. Our Scrum Masters serve as facilitators, ensuring transparency and alignment across the board. This approach not only benefits us internally but also translates into tangible advantages for our clients.

Teri Larson – “Teams are so important to the process. We standup every week so that each person feels comfortable to work together. Every two weeks we do a retrospective to discuss what went well, places of concern, and overall areas of improvement. It helps us to be stronger as a unit. I’m very proud of the work that we do.”


Why Agile Reigns Supreme

Agile isn't a one-size-fits-all solution; it's an adaptable framework that accommodates diverse project needs. Whether it's Scrum, Kanban, or another variant, Agile provides the flexibility and transparency necessary for success. By delivering incremental value to clients and fostering collaboration, Agile outshines traditional waterfall methods.

Addressing Drawbacks Head-On

While Agile offers myriad benefits, it's not without its challenges. Resistance from seasoned developers and clients accustomed to traditional methods can pose hurdles. However, through effective communication and adaptation, these drawbacks can be mitigated. Cross-functional teams, regular retrospectives, and a supportive culture help us navigate the rough patches and emerge stronger.

Travis Zander – “We use our retrospectives to continuously improve for our clients and get out our pain points. This makes our team stronger, more creative, and finds the best result for our team and clients. Change helps us to define when things are working and when they aren’t. It makes the process more powerful and streamlined.”

Beyond Methodology: Cultivating Success

Ultimately, Agile isn't just about processes and procedures; it's about people. Our teams are the lifeblood of our success, and nurturing a supportive environment is paramount. Through regular stand-ups, retrospectives, and a commitment to continuous improvement, we foster a culture of collaboration and creativity. Whether we're working side by side or continents apart, our shared dedication to Agile principles keeps us united in purpose.

Tara Solensky – “Success is made by effort. The culture is as important as the methodology. Our clients benefit from the effort of the team, and we encourage them to be just as collaborative and creative in the process. Specifically, we traditionally have been remote team members and sometimes have never met each other in person, but it doesn’t matter because of the tight knit work we do together and the trust we give to one another.”

Conclusion: A Journey of Continuous Improvement

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, agility isn't just an advantage; it's a necessity. By embracing the Agile methodology, we've unlocked new levels of efficiency, collaboration, and client satisfaction. With each sprint, each retrospective, and each iteration, we chart a course towards excellence, guided by the principles of Agile. As we continue this journey of continuous improvement, we remain steadfast in our commitment to delivering value, one sprint at a time.

Kelsey Thayer